Week 1

Kelsey introduces three perspectives for responding to AI: Adapt, Adopt, and Adept. The Adapt perspective initiates an introduction to AI, providing a glimpse of its magnificence. Moving up the ladder, Adopt allows individuals to familiarize themselves with AI tools and platforms, opening doors to involvement in managing AI. However, the pinnacle is the Adept perspective, encouraging a front-and-center experience with AI, involving coding and interacting with connected data. It's not just about adjusting; it's about actively participating in the growth and development of AI.

The book is a valuable primer for anyone, regardless of their background, seeking to navigate the impending wave of disruption rather than being overwhelmed by it. Kelsey emphasizes the importance of education without pushing a specific stance on supporting or opposing AI. As a business analytics

student, I find this perspective particularly relevant, considering how AI has revolutionized data analysis, personalized client experiences, and automated tasks.

In the realm of marketing, understanding client requirements and preferences is crucial. AI facilitates more efficient data analysis, enabling the crafting of engaging messages that resonate with clients. Kelsey's book becomes a valuable tool in my academic arsenal, guiding me to not only adapt to AI but to adopt and become adept at utilizing its tools to enhance my marketing skills.

Reflecting on Kelsey's insights, I also pondered on the various forms of AI in modern-day life. Self-driving cars, powered by AI, navigate with a network that makes them more than just machines—they become robots with the ability to drive for human passengers. AI coding tools, despite initial reservations about job displacement, assist workers and students in coding tasks, improving efficiency during deadlines and routine work.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the fears associated with AI, particularly the concern about job displacement. As AI takes on roles in manufacturing, coding, and other fields, the question arises: Will AI take over the jobs humans currently have? It's a legitimate concern, but we must also recognize the positive side of AI.

On the positive side, AI tools can perform tedious, time-consuming tasks more efficiently, leading to increased productivity. Rejecting the idea of AI might result in personal and financial losses. Instead, by embracing AI, we contribute to progress and the development of companies, paving the way for a future where humans and AI collaborate for mutual benefit.

In conclusion, Todd Kelsey's "Surfing the Tsunami" offers valuable insights into the world of artificial intelligence, urging us to not just adapt but adopt and become adept at utilizing AI's tools. As a college student, I am excited about the possibilities AI brings to my field of study and beyond. It's time to ride the wave, embrace AI, and actively shape our future.


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